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"Sugar & Spice" Nursery Mural by Michele Levani

Monday, October 24, 2011

Dr. Seuss "Cat in the Hat" Nursery Mural by Michele Levani

There will be a real shelf attached below the fishbowl

Progress of Dr. Seuss "Cat in the Hat" Nursery Mural by Michele Levani

Progress of Dr. Seuss "Cat in the Hat" Nursery Mural by Michele Levani

Progress of Dr. Seuss "Cat in the Hat" Nursery Mural by Michele Levani

Beginnings of Dr. Seuss "Cat in the Hat" Nursery Mural by Michele Levani

Beginnings of Dr. Seuss "Cat in the Hat" Nursery Mural by Michele Levani

Beginnings of Dr. Seuss "Cat in the Hat" Nursery Mural by Michele Levani

Monday, September 5, 2011

Charleston Pour House Mural Competition..."Metamorphosis of a Song" by Michele Levani

The Charleston Pour House hosted a mural competition Labor Day weekend. I was chosen to paint the front entryway of their attached restaurant, El Bohio. The winner of this competition is dependent on public votes. Please go online and vote or email Jessica Wilson at . If you would like to vote for me, add my name, Michele Levani, along with Mural #8 to the subject line.  
*They just added the voting link-

Here's the progress of the mural in reverse. Enjoy!

"Metamorphosis of a Song"

This was day three progress

This was day two progress

First day on the job 

The Plan
Since The Charleston Pour House is a music venue, it was obvious that I would incorporate music into this mural. The idea of butterflies with guitar neck bodies and piano keys that trim their wings came to me. There was a column in my space, and with their permission, I turned it into a giant piano turned on it's side from where the butterflies originate and earn their piano keyed wings!


The El Bohio sign was taken down for me to paint, but I took it into account in my design since it will be reattached after. I decided to have one of the butterflies land on the edge of the sign.

Again, if you really enjoyed my mural, please go online and vote or email Jessica Wilson at . Add my name, Michele Levani, along with Mural #8 to the subject line.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

"African Jungle Safari" Nursery Mural by Michele Levani

Mother giraffe watches over the baby's crib while he sleeps

SHHH!!! Mother giraffe watches over the baby's crib while he sleeps



African trees

The king of the jungle